It's Me

Friday, October 19, 2012

Coba kuliah onlinenya yuk!

Lanjutan dari post sebelumnya tentang kuliah online dari AS , dari tujuh kelas yang disediakan ada beberapa kelas yang cukup nyambung dengan jurusan Computer Engineering, yaitu:  

1. CS50x : Introduction to Computer Science I

CS50x is Harvard College's introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming for majors and non-majors alike, with or without prior programming experience. An entry-level course taught by David J. Malan, CS50x teaches students how to think algorithmically and solve problems efficiently. Topics include abstraction, algorithms, data structures, encapsulation, resource management, security, software engineering, and web development. Languages include C, PHP, and JavaScript plus SQL, CSS, and HTML. Problem sets inspired by real-world domains of biology, cryptography, finance, forensics, and gaming. As of Fall 2012, the on-campus version of CS50x is Harvard's largest course.
 2. CS169.1x : Software as a Service
CS169.1x teaches the fundamentals for engineering long–lasting software using highly–productive Agile techniques to develop Software as a Service (SaaS) using Ruby on Rails. Students will understand the new challenges and opportunities of SaaS versus shrink–wrapped software. They will understand and apply fundamental programming techniques to the design, development, testing, and public cloud deployment of a simple SaaS application. Students will use best–of–breed tools that support modern development techniques including behavior–driven design, user stories, test–driven development, velocity, and pair programming. Students will learn how modern programming language features like metaprogramming and reflection can improve productivity and code maintainability.
3. CS184.1x : Foundations of Computer Graphics
CS184.1x teaches the Foundations of Computer Graphics. Students will make images of 3D scenes in real-time, and with offline raytracing. This course runs for 6 weeks and consists of four segments.
4. Others..  (capek! sepertinya emang semua mata kuliah yang ditawarkan berbau teknologi komputer)

Jadi, setiap mata kuliah ada sistemnya masing-masing, aku coba daftar di kelas CS50x, kuliah pertama mulai tanggal 15 Oktober yah.. telat. tapi, berhubung ini kuliah online, jelas waktu tidak perlu dipermasalahkan. Mereka menyediakan video pelajaran hari itu untuk ditonton, didownload, bahkan ditranslate ke beberapa bahasa (ga ada bahasa Indonesia). Jadi kita tetap bisa mengikuti pelajaran kapan pun dan dimana pun.
Tapi... (lagi) sama seperti kuliah biasanya, mereka memberikan tugas tiap mata pelajaran (tergantung kelas), di CS50 ada 8 problem sets (15 - 20 hours each), 2 quizzes, 1 final project. tiap tugas tersebut ada jadwal pengumpulannya, tapi hanya sebagai acuan, kalau tidak bisa tepat waktu ya tidak masalah. Yang penting semuanya harus selesai sebelum 15 April 2013, kalau ingin mendapat sertifikat!

Seru kan? Keren kan? berasa kuliah di Harvard kan?? :D

Ada tapinya lagi... :( ya karena ada kekurangannya :
Karena bahasa Indonesia tidak ada, ya tahankan la dengar bahasa Inggris itu ditambah pelajarannya yang susah dimengerti, lumayan sih sekalian latihan, tetep siapin obat sakit kepala deh ya :D
Lalu, mereka tidak meletakkan semua bahan dalam satu halaman, banyak link-nya, dan ukuran videonya besar-besar, jadi bener-bener harus punya koneksi internet yang kuat :D *banting laptop*

Sekian deh, semoga mengerti!

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