It's Me

Thursday, September 13, 2012

What's your Hobby?

These are my hobbies..

1. Travelling
Although you would found me as a sleep complex, actually, Since I was a kid, I have thought to explore this world. I always wonder what happenned in every path in this world. I want to see all beautiful views, I want to taste all countries foods, I want to meet with everyone in this world. I wish my travel would not just a trip, It is more more more valueable.

2. Design
Design.... That is what makes a usual thing becomes unusual. When it has good design, it would be better, and with bad design, it would be worse. Ofcourse i want to give everything a good design.
I love travel and design. Do you know? That's when you need ideas, inspiration for your design, you can travel, look more and inspired more. Oke, i have right choices right? :)

3. Fangirling
Yep, I am kpopers. eumm... Actually a korean lovers. Korean really has good looking. Some of them maybe did plastic surgery, but I still believe some others didn't. I like their eyes, mostly the original eyes, korean has the cutest eyes in the world. And their skin, and their V-line face which makes the girls look pretty and also the boys. :D Added with their work hard like Japanese.

Those all my hobbies, travelling needs costs, design needs hi-tech, and fangirling needs idol stuffs. All my hobbies need money!! >o<


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